
A Device in RealTime represents a physical computing device that communicates data - i.e. location, status, and other information - via a communications gateway to the ThingTech application. Devices must be configured and assigned to Assets in the RealTime application in order for data to be stored and presented in the application.

Note: ThingTech supports a wide variety of device types for various applications. The type of device, configuration of device, type of installation, and type of asset the device is connected to all play a major role in the data attributes that may be collected, analyzed, and presented in the application. Please consult ThingTech support or your ThingTech account representative with any questions about data availability and your specific use case.

Creating Devices in ThingTech

Devices supplied by ThingTech ship already activated. However, they must be entered into the RealTime application and assigned to a ‘Thing’ before data will be presented.

Adding a Device into ThingTech:

1.      Navigate to Admin tab (Gear icon) on the left side panel.

2.      Choose ‘Devices’ from the left navigation menu

3.      Click ‘+Create New’ button to enter a new Device.

4.      Enter the required fields.

Name = ESN of Device

Universal ID = ESN of Device

5.      Select ‘Save’

3.0 Create Device.png
3.0 Devices Create New.png

Assigning Devices to Things

After Devices are entered, they must be assigned to the correct ‘Thing’ record. All data collected from the device is associated with the related ‘Thing’ for presentation in the application and for reporting. Therefore, it is critical that correct Device / Thing assignments are made for accurate data collection.

Assigning a Device to a Thing:

1.      Navigate to Admin tab (Gear icon) on the left side panel

2.      Choose ‘Devices’ from the left side menu

3.      Click on a hyperlinked name of a device

3.0 Devices Assign to Thing click Hyperlink.png

4. Select ‘Edit

3.0 Devices Assign.png

5. In the Thing field, select the drop down or begin typing the name of the Thing to be assigned to the device.

6. Select ‘Save’

3.0 Devices Assigning Device to Thing.png

In the Device record, you will see a hyperlinked Thing name, indicating this Device is assigned to a Thing.

3.0 Device Assigning attached to Thing.png

Editing a Device in ThingTech

Editing a Device in ThingTech:

  1. Navigate to Admin tab (Gear icon) on the left side panel

  2. Select ‘Devices’ from the left side menu

  3. Click on the hyperlinked name of the device to be edited.

  4. Select ‘Edit’ button

  5. Enter information to be edited

  6. Select ‘Save’

3.0 Edit Device 1.png
3.0 Edit Device 2.png
3.0 Edit Device 3.png