Maintenance Schedule

Preventive Maintenance is critical to the proper care of mission critical assets. ThingTech's solution tracks and forecasts all of your PM's through the Maint. Schedule component. Maint. Schedules can come in one of three  varieties defined as 'record types' in ThingTech.


Before setting up a new Maint. Schedule, users will need to ensure that other required records already exist:




Maint. Schedules must be related to an Asset, so users will need to ensure that the Asset already exists in ThingTech.


If the Maint. Schedule interval is 'Meter-Based', the Asset must have a related Meter that measures utilization according to the same unit ­ i.e. if the PM interval is every 3,000 miles, the Asset must have a Meter record set up to measure miles.

Work Order Template (Optional)

Although not required, Maint. Schedules are capable of automatically creating new Work Order records when the PM interval becomes due. If the user would like the Work Order to be created with specific data fill out, the user will need to associate with Work Order Template with the Maint. Schedule. A Work Order Template can be created by navigating to Work Order ­ > Create New ­ > Select 'Work Order Template' as record type.

Creating a Maintenance Schedule


Maintenance schedules using one of the following methods: 

  1. Create a new maintenance schedule from any page using the 'Create New' dropdown shortcut. 
  2. Create a new maintenance schedule from its tab, then clicking the 'New' button.
  3. Create a new maintenance chedule record directly from an Asset:
  • Navigate to the Asset
  • Scroll down to 'Maint. Schedule' Related List
  • Press ‘New Maint. Schedule’.
  • Select the proper Type of Maint. Schedule


From the scroll-down list, select the Record Type that best fits your needs, then > click ‘Continue’.


Editing Maintenance Schedule FieldsNote: The below screen capture shows a Calendar and Meter Schedule layout and contains all editable fields. Other Maint. Schedule types will only show pertinent fields.

Fill in the appropriate fields:

Field Name


Asset ID*

The Asset for which this Maint. Schedule applies. If created from the Asset related list, as instructed, this value will be filled automatically.

Work Order Template (Optional)

Type of work that should be performed on the Maint. Schedule interval. Field refers to an actual Work Order record; where Record Type = Work Order Template.

Fixed Interval

Defaults to ‘False’, by default ALL Maint. Schedules are ‘floating intervals’. Any new interval values will be determined by adding the scheduled interval to the value (meter or date) of the last completed Work Order. If ‘True’, the Maint. Schedule will operate on a ‘Fixed Interval’ and future WO’s will only become due on the interval set by the user.


Meter measures actual utilization of the Asset against the interval for this Maint. Schedule, who’s record must have a related Meter that measures utilization according to the same unit – i.e. if the PM interval is every 3,000 miles, the user should 3,000 in the Meter Interval field.

Meter Interval*

Number of Meter Units on which the schedule should recur – i.e. if your PM calls for an Oil Change every 3,000 in the Meter Interval field.

First WO Meter Value*

Enter value of the first (or next) WO should be due. The system requires the user to enter the value at which the first WO should be created. After the first value is entered, the system will run automatically either on a Floating or Fixed interval – depending on how the user has configured the record.

Calendar Interval*

Number of calendar units on which the schedule should recur - i.e. if your PM calls for an Oil Change every 6 months, the user should enter 'months' in the Interval Units drop down box.

Interval Units

The calendar unit of measure on which the schedule should recur ­ i.e. if your PM calls for an Oil Change every 6 months, the user should enter 'months' in the Interval Units drop down box.

First Work Order Due Date

Enter the date the first (or next) Work Order should be due. The system requires tech user to enter the date of the first Work Order. After the first value is entered, the system will run automatically either on a Floating or Fixed interval ­ depending on how the user has configured the record.


(*) indicates a required field

After creating a new Maint. Schedule record, the user will gain insight into the real­time status of the PM Forecast.

Maintenance Schedule WO Forecast Fields

Field Name


Asset ID*

The Asset for which this Maint. Schedule applies. If created from the Asset related list, as instructed, this value will be filled automatically.

Work Order Template (Optional)

Type of work that should be performed on the Maint. Schedule interval. Field refers to an actual Work Order record; where Record Type = Work Order Template.

Fixed Interval

Defaults to ‘False’, by default ALL Maint. Schedules are ‘floating intervals’. Any new interval values will be determined by adding the scheduled interval to the value (meter or date) of the last completed Work Order. If ‘True’, the Maint. Schedule will operate on a ‘Fixed Interval’ and future WO’s will only become due on the interval set by the user.


Meter measures actual utilization of the Asset against the interval for this Maint. Schedule, who’s record must have a related Meter that measures utilization according to the same unit – i.e. if the PM interval is every 3,000 miles, the user should 3,000 in the Meter Interval field.

Meter Interval*

Number of meter units on which the schedule should recur – i.e. if your PM calls for an Oil Change every 3,000 in the Meter Interval field.

First WO Meter Value*

Enter value of the first (or next) WO should be due. The system requires the user to enter the value at which the first WO should be created. After the first value is entered, the system will run automatically either on a Floating or Fixed interval – depending on how the user has configured the record.

Calendar Interval*

Number of calendar units on which the schedule should recur - i.e. if your PM calls for an Oil Change every 6 months, the user should enter 'months' in the Interval Units drop down box.

Interval Units*

The calendar unit of measure on which the schedule should recur ­ i.e. if your PM calls for an Oil Change every 6 months, the user should enter 'months' in the Interval Units drop down box.

First Work Order Due Date*

Enter the date the first (or next) Work Order should be due. The system requires tech user to enter the date of the first Work Order. After the first value is entered, the system will run automatically either on a Floating or Fixed interval ­ depending on how the user has configured the record.

(*) indicates a required field

Post Maint. Sched. WO Det.png

Work Order Detail Fields (All Read OnlY)

The Work Order Detail fields display information about the last work order created by, associated with, and completed by the maint. Schedule. These fields are important as they provide insight into how future intervals are calculated. These fields are read only and populated by the system.

Field Name


Last Created WO

Read Only Field: displays a hyperlink to the Last Work Order created by the Maint. Schedule

Last Created WO Date

Read Only Field: displays the date the last Work Order was created out of the Maint. Schedule.

Last Created WO Status

Read Only Field: displays the date the Work Order was created.

Last Completed WO

Read Only Field: displays a hyperlink to the last Work Order completed and associated with the Maint. Schedule

Last Completed WO Due Date

Read Only Field: displays a hyperlink to the last WO associated with the Maint. Schedule that was complete.

Note: This field is important as it drives forward the date on which the next interval, will be due (if a floating interval)

Last Completed WO Meter

Read Only Field that displays the meter value of the Asset when the last Work Order was completed.

Note: This field is important as it drives forward the date on which the next interval will be due (if afloating interval)

Using the Generate WO Button

Users should use the ‘Generate WO’ button for circumstances when a PM Work Order should be executed before the interval has expired – i.e. it’s not due yet, but the user would like to perform the work order. After pressing the button, a new ‘Last Created WO’ will be generated. If there is already an open Work Order, the system will not generate a new Work Order and will notify the user there is already an open Work Order for this Maint. Schedule.

Note: It is important that users utilize the ‘Generate WO’ button in order to drive the Maint. Schedule interval forward.