ThingTech FAQ

+ How do I Reset My password?

  1. Navigate to the ThingTech login page.
  2. Select 'Forgot Password' beneath the login area.

  3. Enter your username (usually your email), click Continue
     a. Please Note: The system may request security questions, which you would have set and configured upon account set up.
  4. The system will set send a password reset link to your email. If the email does not arrive after a few minutes, click on 'resend the email'.

  5. If for any reason this attempt does not work, please contact ThingTech Support at with the following information:
      a. Your name
      b. Your email
      c. Your organization

+ How do I Turn On/Off Email Notifications?

Email notifications are set up within the Alarm Rule record.

  1. Navigate to the Alarm Rule tab and select the Alarm Rule for which you would like to update e-mail notifications.
  2. Double click in the E-Mail field.

  3.  a. To receive e-mail notifications any time an alarm is generated for this rule: enter the desired email address. To send a notification to multiple email addresses, separate them by a comma. Click Save.
      b. To stop receiving emails any time an alarm is generated for this rule: clear the field. Click Save.

    Please Note: Even if there is no e-mail entered in the alarm rule, alarms will still be generated for the alarm rule and be accessible via the Alarms tab in tracIT, the Alarms record list, or the Asset record. Generally, we do not recommend deleting or un-activating an Alarm Rule, as you will not be able to go back and retroactively check for Alarms.

+ How do I grant ThingTech Support access to my environment?

  1. Navigate to 'My Settings' using the dropdown in the upper right hand corner.

  2. Expand the 'Personal' section in toolbar on the left, then select 'Grant Account Login Access'
  3. Click the dropdown next to ThingTech Support. Select 1 month and Save.

+ How can I verify this device is working properly?

  1. There are a few indicators that would suggest a device is working as expected. These include:
    • The asset in which the device is installed is visible in tracIT and shows an accurate motion status (i.e. offline, stopped, idle, moving)
    • Messages for the asset are visible in tracIT under the messages tab and look healthy. "Healthy" messages (at minimum) from the device would mean the device has ignition on/off events, stop/start events, and position updates every two minutes while being driven. Every day the vehicle is driven the device should also send a daily report message. Signal gain/loss messages, as well as GPS gain/loss messages, are normal and can occur several times throughout the day.
    • Appropriate alarms, where alarm rules apply, are being generated for this asset in correspondence with its regular use (i.e. a trip alarm is generated when the vehicle is driven)
  2. If a device not exhibiting the above characteristics either the device is not connected properly, the device needs a scripting or firmware update, or the device is dysfunctional and needs to be replaced.
  3. If you have verified the device is not working as expected, please attempt the following:
    • Verify the device is securely connected. See the Help section on devices for correct installation procedures. This is particularly necessary if you are seeing excessive ignition on/off messages or repeated device disconnected alarms.
    • Contact the ThingTech support team by calling ThingTech Support at (800) 645-2298 or emailing Please include the following information
    •  a. The device's ESN
    • You can expect same business day response for device inquiries, but please allow 1-5 business days for case resolution on device issues.
  4. If the problem persists after all troubleshooting steps have been completed by the ThingTech Support team, the team will assist in processing a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) to return the defective device and issue a new one.

+ Why is my Vehicle Not Visible in TracIT?

There are several reasons why a vehicle may not show in the tracIT page. Please note the distinction below between whether an asset is not available in the Asset list in tracIT and whether an asset is available in the Asset list in tracIT, but shows no location

  1. Vehicle does not appear in asset list in tracIT
    • The Asset record for the vehicle does not have the correct name/description tracIT displays vehicles by the Description field in the Asset record. Please go to the asset record and ensure that the Description field is not blank and is using the correct identifier you would use find the asset in tracIT
    • The vehicle does not have a device installed or assigned Only assets with device assignments will show up in tracIT. If the vehicle in question does not have a device installed, it will not appear in tracIT. If you know the vehicle has a device installed, navigate to the asset record and check the Device field. If the device field is blank, the device needs to be assigned:
      1. Search for the device record by entering the device ESN (identifying number found directly on the ESN) in the global search bar at the top of the page.
      2. Select the appropriate device record from the search results.
      3. Copy the Device ID (i.e. DV-0000)
      4. Return to the Asset record, click Edit.
      5. Enter the Device ID into the Device field, click Save.
      6. Return to tracIT and see if the asset is now visible (note: you may need to wait till the device sends in a new message - every two minutes if the vehicle is actively driving)

  2. Vehicle is visible in the asset list in tracIT, but shows no location data
    • The vehicle's device is disconnected Please check the device is installed securely.
    • The vehicle's device is not communicating correctly. ThingTech's technical support team can provide assistance in troubleshooting and identifying the source of the device's communication issues. Please email or call ThingTech Support at (800) 645-2298 for assistance

+ Why am I getting a blank page or too many redirects error?

    To fix these issues Chrome users will either need to allow 3rd party cookies, or whitelist Salesforce domains in the cookie settings. Here are instructions on both options:

    Option 1: Allow 3rd party cookies
    1. Open the Chrome menu (3 vertical dots in the upper-right)
    2. Select "Settings"
    3. In the "Search Settings" field at the top and type the word "cookie" without quotes
    4. Select "Content Settings" from the results that appear
    5. Select "Cookies"
    6. Toggle the slider for "Block third-party cookies" to disable the setting and allow 3rd party cookies

    Option 2: Add the following Salesforce domains to the "Allow" list in the cookie settings 1. Open the Chrome menu (3 vertical dots in the upper-right)
    2. Select "Settings"
    3. In the "Search Settings" field at the top and type the word "cookie" without quotes
    4. Select "Content Settings" from the results that appear
    5. Select "Cookies"
    6. Select the "ADD" button under "Allow" and add the following domains (repeat this step for each domain):

    [*.] (Necessary if you are using Live Agent, Omni or SOS)

    NOTE: You'll need to enter the domains exactly as shown above, including the "[*.]" part