Parts Inventory

Parts is a major piece of your inventory management in ThingTech. ThingTech provides an accurate portrait of your inventory as parts are ordered and then used for repairs.     

Creating a Part

Under the Parts and Inventory app in ThingTech, navigate to the Parts tab. Then, click ‘New’ and select Stock Item. Hit continue to be taken to the next screen. 


Fill in the appropriate fields:

Field Name


Part ID

Enter the name of the Part


Options are Draft, Active or Inactive. Use Draft if you’d like to save whats in progress for this part, Active if it’s ready to be published to your inventory, or Inactive if no longer in your part catalogue.


Part description

Nameplate Data

Additional information about the part. You can enter up to 255 characters of information about the part on separate lines.

Commodity Code

User specified field

Mfg Part #

Manufacturer part number

On Hand Qty

Amount of this part currently on hand

Unit Value

Cost of 1 part


Select the location of the werehouse this part is stored in

Stock UOM

Primary UOM – Must be the lowest level of Unit of Measure.

Bin Location

User specified field

Last in Cost

Based on the unit cost during the last receipt type part transaction

Last Issue Date

Read only field

Last Receipt Date

Read only field

Last Gain Date

Read only field

Last Shrink Date

Read only field

Min Qty

Do not use

Vendor Parts

Vendor Parts allow the user to specify multiple vendors per part. It allows users to keep track of where their parts are coming from, and at what cost.

To create, open an existing part in ThingTech. Scroll down until you see “Vendor Parts. Select “New Vendor Part”


Fill in the appropriate fields:

Field Name



Vendor from whom the part can be purchased

Primary Vendor

Marked True if Vendor is the primary vendor for purchasing the part


The part record that can be purchased from the vendor

Part ID

The Vendor’s part ID for the part

Unit Qty

The unit quantity purchased when purchasing a Part from the Vendor. Default value is 1.

Unit Cost

The purchase price of the part from the specific Vendor.

Work Orders anD Parts

When parts are attached to Work Orders, ThingTech will automatically total all costs associated with Parts, and create an Inventory Transaction removing the part(s) from the part catalog.

Work Order ITems

To associate parts or labor to an existing existing Work Order add a “New WO Item” at the bottom of the Work Order.


WO Item available record types:

  • Part: WO line item for a part
  • Labor: WO line item for labor

Create a Part

You will have the option to create either a Part or a Labor entry, select Part. 


Fill in the appropriate fields:

Field Name


WO Item Name

Enter the name of the Part, or what it does. A description to show within the Work Order


This will default with the Work Order Name

Repair Type

Options are Check or Repair

Estimated Qty

Do not use at this time

Estimated Total

Do not use at this time


Options are: Emergency, Preventative, Reactive, Recall


A long list of options to select what you are working on within a vehicle


A lookup field to select which part you will be using


Free form text field


Free form text field


How many of the part will be needed for this Work Order

Unit Cost

This will populate via a workflow rule based on the price of the part

Create a labor entry

Select Labor as the WO Record Type.

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Labor Field


WO Item Name

Free form field to name this item.


Will be pre-populated with the Asset that the WO is built off of.

Repair Code

A lookup field to a list of Repair Codes that have already been defined.


A free form field to briefly describe the Labor being performed.

Estimated Quantity

DNU at this time.


Number of units used for this Labor work.

Unit Cost

Cost of Labor per unit.

Estimated Total

DNU at this time.


Free form field to add any longer notes or descriptions needed for this work.

Once the part or labor has been saved to the Work Order, the Work Order is updated with a Parts and/or Labor Total. 

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